Youth and Children Sunday School will be going to breakfast on Sunday, October 29th (9:30 a.m.) – please bring money. We will either go to Dunkin’ Donuts or McDonalds.
Presbytery Youth Overnight Event Saturday, November 4th – Sunday, November 5th. Registration Forms are available from Katherine or Rob. We will meet at church at 3:00 p.m. Please bring all you need for an overnight trip – change of clothes, pjs, toiletries, sleeping bag and pillow. We’ll be sleeping on the floor, so you may also want an air mattress!
SAVE THE DATE for the Montreat Youth Conference (July 20-27, 2024) and the Montreat Middle School Conference at Maryville College (July 16-21, 2024)!
Confirmation Class – first meeting for youth in grades 8 and older is October 22, 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. We’ll have lunch together and get started on our confirmation journey!